Still in the Rio Grande Valley

Not a lot of updates lately. I went to a local RV show yesterday. I was hoping to see a lot of parts and accessory booths but there really were none. There were about 50 new RVs on display and I walked through quite a few of them but since I'm not in the market for one it was more to pass the time then anything else.

We were suppose to get a lot of rain today but it really never happened. They even had flash flood warning but we only got a few sprinkles. Most of the rain was off shore. Good thing, didn't want to see if my trailer can float :)

Went to Wal-Mart today to get s few things. Figured I'd try a new one just to see if it was any different then the one I've already been to. So I did a search for Wal-Marts in my GPS and found one 8 miles away so grabbed Spud and off we went. Traffic was bad and it took about 20 minutes to get there. Started looking around for it once I got to the area and I see a blue and white building off to the side. What's this? A closed Wally World? Sure 'nuff, first time I've ever seen a closed WM.

The weather is suppose to be nice this next week, sunny with highs in the upper 70's. Plan on heading back to Bentsen Park and maybe go back to South Padre Island to walk the beach again. But at this point I am thinking of heading out up towards New Mexico. Problem is that it is 10 to 15 degrees colder up there so I'm not sure if I want to stay put with the warm weather or head out to see new sights.

The weather is pretty nice here in the Rio Grande Valley but there is really not a lot of the things I want to do around here. I compare the area to 28th St. in Grand Rapids.... for 25 miles in each direction. Sure there are 1000's of restaurants, shopping malls and movie theaters within 30 minutes drive but I could get that at home. I came out here to see something different. We'll see what I can dig up over the next few days with the nice weather coming up.

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