The truck was in bad need of a wash after a month on the road. I broke out the bucket and brush then gave it a good scrub down. Of course the water is hard as hell and that left water spots all over.... not just water spots, but big ass white water spots that made it look like a teenager reaching puberty! I had a few microfiber rags so I got one damp then wiped and dried, wiped and dried, then wiped and dried some more until it was done. Maybe that $14 hand wash just down the street isn't such a bad deal after all.
By then the sun was hitting the side of the trailer so I lowered the awning, popped a Miller Lite and slapped a couple of cheese and jalapeno sausages on the grill. The one thing about the grill is that it doesn't get real hot and that made it was about perfect for cooking sausages. Took me 3 Millers to finish cooking them. During that time a neighbor stopped by to chat and Spud just laid out on the patio enjoying the fresh air.
Once I stuffed down a couple of sausages and another brew just sat back to enjoy the day. I needed a few tunes and turned on the radio. Low and behold I found a classic rock station packed in between the country and Spanish stations.... I really wondered if they knew what rock music was down here.
By now it had gotten pretty warm so I figured I'd give the hot tub a whirl. Put on my suit and headed to the front to have a nice soak. 10 minutes in the spa, then 5 minutes in the pool to cool off, then back in the spa again. The pool water really isn't cool, it just feels that way after getting out of the spa. I feel like a new man and am ready to head out to Bensten Park tomorrow for a hike.
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