Yesterday I went back to Bentsen State Park and took the trolley to the far end of the pack. There is a two mile trail that I walked. Really didn't see many birds but the walk was relaxing with a lot of different things to see. I took some pictures that you can see in my photo album.
What I did see while in the park is that it is a great place to bike. There are a number of birds feed stations throughout the park that no only has a lot of bird activity, but also seen some wild pigs. They are too far to walk to (for me at least) but is an easy bike ride to get to. Of course in my rush to leave Michigan, I forgot to put my bike in the trailer. Screw it, I went to Wally World and picked up an $89 bike to use for the rest of my vacation.
Speaking of birds, I had a surprise yesterday when I got up. In the morning I opened my door to walk Spud and there were two parakeets sitting in the tree about 15 feet away. Later this afternoon there was a big flock of birds flying around the park making a hell of a racket. I couldn't figure out what they were until they landed in a couple of trees across the street. I pulled out my camera to get a closer look and they were parrots. You know how noisy a parrot can be.... imagine 100+ of them!
I'm going to head back to Bentsen Park tomorrow with my new Wally World bike to check out some of the feeding stations. Hopefully I can get some decent pictures.
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