
The cold front that is covering about 2/3 of the nation has hit the Rio Grande Valley. Temps this morning was in the mid 50's, it's now 42 and dropping. Winds have picked up to 20+ MPH. They claim it is going the get down to about 30 the next 3 nights with a high of only the upper 30's tomorrow. Needless to say, that is cold for this area.

Didn't do a lot today. Went to the store to stock up on some goodies since I won't be doing much over the next couple of days. Double checked to make sure my electric heaters are working. Since electric is included with the lot rent, I'll use the electric heaters as much as possible to save on propane.

So just another uninteresting day today. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

janmneal said...

so glad to hear you are all settled in. We love reading your blog and hearing about your adventures and solutions. Sorry the weather turned bad there, but you have to know it's monumentally better than here or Michigan. LOL

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